Tuesday, August 31, 2010

SEPTEMBER - Prostate Cancer Awareness & Cholesterol Education Month

This month we've put together another health-promoting, super informative newsletter. We also have some exciting news about things happening at the clinic.

First and foremost we are very happy to introduce a new member to our health care team, Dr. Sean Rankin, DC! You can learn more about Dr. Rankin and his treatment style by reading his biography below.

We also have several great articles for your reading pleasure this month:

Dr. Jesika DiCampli discusses cholesterol issues in children
Dr. Ross Kerievsky weighs in on fats vs. carbs for weight loss
Dr Tamburri highlights the recent Arizona Prostate Cancer Seminar

We will also be participating in this years Ultimate Women's Expo in Phoenix Sept 18th and 19th. This promises to be a great event. Stop by our booth for your chance to win some fantastic prizes!

New Physician- Dr. Sean Rankin, D

Dr. Sean is an expert in a type of Chiropractic care that takes into account each patient's unique individuality and bio-energy. He uses techniques such as Applied Kinesiology and Touch for Health which employ muscle testing to isolated muscles and in a particular sequence to impart information about the function of that muscle and its relation to a specific organ system. This approach provides a great low-force manipulation of the body and helps to realign the body's energy fields. To learn more about Dr. Sean and the services he offers please contact our office and we will be happy to provide information about his type of Chiropractic care.

Should you be concerned that your child could have high cholesterol?
by Dr. Jesika DiCampli, NMD

In 2007, the AHA released a scientific statement regarding lipid abnormalities in children. Fatty streaks are the first lesions in the progression to coronary atherosclerosis. According to the American Heart Association, research has found that up to 50% of children have at least some degree of aortic fatty streaks by 3 years of age, and these fatty streaks increase after 8 years of age. Fatty streaks can progress to fibrous plaques in the coronary arteries, and these plaques have been demonstrated on autopsy in 8% of children and adolescence.

The prevalence of lipid abnormalities in children is increasing, primarily in association with the concomitant epidemic of obesity and the metabolic syndrome. While the AHA does not recommend screening ALL children, those that are overweight or whom have a positive family history, recommend cholesterol screening in children and adolescents. Overweight children should also be screened for other aspects of the metabolic syndrome (blood pressure levels, elevated triglycerides, and high fasting glucose levels).

The AHA statement discusses the use of lipid lowering drug therapy for children and adolescence. Lifestyle modification including diet and exercise should be implemented for children as initial therapy, but statin drugs, for children who meet the criteria, are the first-line lipid-lowering therapy.

Drug Therapy of High-Risk Lipid Abnormalities in Children and Adolescents

A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in Youth Committee, Council of Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, With the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing

Brian W. McCrindle, MD, MPH, Chair; Elaine M. Urbina, MD; Barbara A. Dennison, MD, FAHA; Marc S. Jacobson, MD, FAHA; Julia Steinberger, MD, MS; Albert P. Rocchini, MD, FAHA; Laura L. Hayman, PhD, RN, FAHA; Stephen R. Daniels, MD, PhD, FAHA (Circulation. 2007;115:1948-1967.)

Since 2007, the AHA has begun to investigated possible noninvasive tools for assessing atherosclerosis in children. Mainly, they are focused on implementing more clinical research on the subject.

The question is how can you prevent heart disease in your children? The answer is with lifestyle modification, NOT DRUG THERAPY. Come to gain more insight from Dr. DiCampli’s talk on Keeping Our Kids Healthy and Happy.

Which is better? Low fat or low carb for weight loss?
by Dr. Ross Kerievsky, DC ND

A recent study in the August issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine looked at approximately 300 obese patients over two years on whether a low fat or low carbohydrate diet is more beneficial. The results were somewhat surprising.

Both groups had an average weight loss of 24 pounds in the first year and 15 pounds in the second year. What was interesting was that the low carb patient group had some increased benefit vs. the low fat in their cholesterol numbers. They saw an early decrease in their VLDL and triglyceride levels. They also saw an increase in their HDL numbers. There were also some mild unpleasant side effects for being on the low carb diet including bad breath, constipation, hair loss and dry mouth.

The amount of carbohydrates that were used in the study was 20 grams per day for 12 weeks with slowly increasing amounts in later weeks. The low fat group was restricted to 1200-1500 calories for women and 1500-1800 calories for men.

In my opinion, this study sheds light on the fact that both low carb and low fat diets can be helpful in obese patients for losing weight. In my opinion, a combination of these two diets may be the best option for achieving the reduction in cardiovascular numbers such as blood pressure and lipid levels while maintaining the ability to have complex carbohydrates in the diet. Hopefully future studies can shed light on this topic.

I treat patients medically with nutrition programs that are a combination of a Mediterranean lifestyle and a restriction in simple carbohydrates. This dietary plan seems to work well with many patients to help achieve their weight loss goals and reduce their cardiovascular risk markers. For more information on a specific plan for you, please feel free to contact the office for an appointment with me.

Longevity Medical Health Center Leads Further Into Integrative Medicine
by Dr. Phranq Tamburri, NMD

Last weekend our men's health and prostate expert Dr. Tamburri was a featured speaker at the prestigious Arizona Prostate Cancer Seminar held at the Wellness Community in downtown Phoenix. He shared the stage with three other top physicians in the area of urology. This included Dr. Murty, MD, MPA a certified radiation oncologist, Top Doc Dr. Larry Bans, MD a urologist known for early promotion of active surveillance, and lastly a true celebrity doctor, Richard Ablin, PhD who is famous for discovering the PSA blood test for prostate cancer. Dr. Ablin had become infamous recently due to his industry shattering research that his own test, the PSA, harms more men than it saves. Dr. Tamburri spoke primarily about the highly regarded Advanced Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment protocol for assessing a higher degree of cancer mortality and overall risk for both biopsied and non-biopsied ‘prostate cancer’.

Although not planned, all four lectures began revolving and complementing each other. This was mainly with regard to the evolving and forthcoming new standards and interpretation of the PSA. Dr.Ablin’s recent explosive Opinion Editorial to the New York Times this year was the highlight for the event. The renowned medical researcher reviewed his detailed data backing his editorial. Most interestingly the audience, made up mostly of prostate cancer survivors, did not strongly argue with his premise but appeared to follow along in agreement. Dr. Tamburri followed next explaining real world clinical examples of the faulty PSA discussed earlier. Dr. Tamburri's assessment of these clinical concerns of whether or not a cancer requires surgery, radiation, or natural treatments led into the third lecture by Dr.Bans. He discussed the conservative uses for radical prostate surgery. Similar integrative points were brought up by Dr. Murty as he reviewed various forms of radiation treatments.

What stood out from this medical gathering was the uneventful notice of the integration and respect between various fields in prostate cancer (PhD, medical surgeon, radiation oncologist, and naturopathic medical doctor). Most significantly was the recognition and acknowledgment that each of these disciplines, represented by current professionals, were coming to similar conclusions with regard to the future assessing of prostate cancer. This is not only benefits the future of integrative medicine but moreover is a victory for patient care.

To learn more about how Dr. Tamburri can help to differentiate between aggressive and more common low aggressive prostate disorders (surgery vs. drugs vs. natural) please visit our home page and click on Dr. Tamburri name on the doctors menu. Feel free also to contact our staff to inquire about the advanced Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment @ 602-493-2273.