Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Holidays from NFC!!!!!

The year is almost to a end and at NFC we are thankful for our patients who have become a part of the NFC Family and make our jobs so easy and rewarding. Naturopathic Family Care would like to wish all of you Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.

Here are a couple articles from NFC's own Physicians for the last edition of Naturopathic Family Care News.

See everyone in 2011!!!!

Detoxification for better health and wellness
By Dr. Marianne Marchese

Those of us living in Maricopa County might be surprised to learn that we-and our neighbors in Gila country-are exposed to more cancer causing chemicals than 90% of all other counties in the US. Very few of us recognize the year-round threat to our health and well-being that these chemicals pose. These chemicals are found in the water that we drink and the water we use to shower and bathe. They are in our air, food and products we use at home.

Normally our bodies are equipped to metabolize and eliminate chemicals. This is called detoxification. However, since we are bombarded with so many chemicals each day our body becomes overburdened with these toxins. There is hope. There are simple ways to assist the body in the removal of these chemicals and improve health and prevent illness and disease. Let me take you through a simple 3 week detoxification plan to improve your health and prevent disease. Learn more at

Holiday Wish List

By Dr. Marie Niechwiadowicz

At this time of the year many become frantic searching for the perfect gift. Give the gifts that will inspire health (I have no financial interest in any of my suggestions.)

1. Shower filter. If you live in an apartment, condo, or don’t have complete filtration for your house, consider an Aquasana inline shower filter head. Reduce your exposure to chlorine, VOC’s and heavy metals. Your skin and hair will love it.

2. While you are installing the shower filter, add in a ShowerBreeze Oral Irrigator. It is basically a water pik system for your showerhead. Irrigate and keep your gums healthy. Get the extra long hose and your grout will never look better.

3. Staying in the bathroom – a bidet seat. We attribute the high incidence of hemorrhoids in the United States to our poor diet but culturally we have poor bathroom hygiene. If you got fecal matter on your hands, would you wipe it of with a tissue? The Euros have bidets; the Japanese have bidet seats. These seats attach directly to any standard toilet. Press a button and the nozzle comes out to wash the designated area. Fancy versions are heated, have dryers, and pulsing actions. Extremely helpful for urinary tract infections, candida, and hemorrhoids. Toyo and Church are common brands. Home Depot carries bidet seats.

4. Kitchen scale – portion distortion is the main reason for being over weight. For one month weigh your food and track how much you are actually eating.

5. Balance ball -- use it as your desk chair, sit on it while you eat or watch TV. Aside from building core strength, increased proprioception leads to an increase in mental function.

Celebrate your own health and enjoy your holidays.